According to Mirror, the man named Xia Yuanhai (53 years old) lives in Laotu village, Chongqing, China. He is known by the villagers for his face becoming large and deformed due to a rare disease.
His eyes are deep, hidden behind a concave face, his cheekbones are raised, like the shape of an “alien”.
His brother Xia Yuanchang (66 years old) recounted that Mr.
The unfortunate man grew up without receiving care and attention from his family. Mr. Xia Yuanhai also did not receive medical treatment. Over a long period of time, his face became deformed, his teeth fell out and he became completely deaf.
Currently, the older brother is trying to work to make money and ask for help from well-wishers so that Mr. Xia Yuanhai can have orthopedic surgery, helping his face return to normal size.